Popsicle Race---Lessons a Runner Learned
Lessons Learned
- Walk/jog is okay on race day if you are recovering from an injury. I have helped multiple runners complete their races while rehabing, but this was the first time I did it myself. It was humbling, don’t get me wrong. Having to start a race at a pace almost 3 minutes slower than my typical 10K pace as well as having to walk after only running 3 minutes with so many people passing me. Humbling, yes. But I did it and I finished a 10K less than a week after I started running again.
- I like talking to other runners on the course. Since my headphone debacle at the Houston ½, I have not done another race with music. I have talked to other runners, encouraged other runners, talked to the water station peeps and the cops as well. It’s been fun and even some good competition at the end if you are trying to beat someone…say “let’s go” and they usually take off and push you to finish too.
- Sometimes completion, not a PR is a good goal. I felt like I accomplished more and learned more about my mental toughness during this race than when I PR’d the Houston ½. I had to do so many things different in preparing for this race as well as actually running/walking it. I feel that this will help me relate better to my clients, fellow runners and be a better runner myself.
Keep living that run life, one mile at a time.